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Sacred Masturbation

Writer's picture: Zero-asster Mad MagiciaZero-asster Mad Magicia

Sacred Masturbation by Matthew Semernezski

12 FEBRUARY, 2017

In the beginning there was the word, the word was with God and the word was mmmmmmmmmmmm.

“In book one of “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” there is Tasya vacakah pranavah. Tasya=of [Isvara]; vacakah=word, expressive, signifying, pranavah=mystic sound “OM.”

The word expressive of Isvara is the mystic sound OM. [OM is God’s name as well as form.]

“Because it is difficult to understand anything without a name Patanjali wants to give the supreme Purusa a name. Even if Isvara doesn’t have a particular form, there should be a name. But “Isvara” is a limited name; “God” is also limited because the very vibrations of the letters are limited. So Patanjali wants a name that can give an unlimited idea and vibration and which can include all vibrations, all sounds and syllables, because God is like that-infinite. So Patanjali says Isvara name is “Mmmm.” We can’t easily say “Mmmm,” so it is written as OM. Om is called pranava, which simply means “humming.”

Now in the case of celibacy it states that we save energy and though I do agree with this to a certain extent it is not fully the case, one can still orgasm though one will not reach the highest plateau of spiritual enlightenment. Besides, did not God masturbate the world into existence?

“Seminal fluid is our life. If stored properly, it can bring a lot of energy. When absorbed into the system it gets transformed into prana. Conserved sexual energy in women also gets transformed. It is that vital force that allows you to really help people and have a good relationships. Without much prana, we can never give anything to anybody, just as only a fully-charged battery can give power, never a weak one. In observing brahmacarya, we build up this energy.”

In this article I wish to delve into the concept of stored up sexual energy (kundalini, shakti) in regards to the rising of the sacred fluid along the spinal column. I have found however this also heavily depends on the sex drive of the individual and each one of us will have to moderate our orgasms based on our own individual sex drive. I would also like to point to some of the side effects of an awakened kundalini, one of which is an extreme sexual desire.

Some side effects of an awakened kundalini may include the following: Involuntary jerks, tremors, shaking, itching, tingling, and crawling sensations, especially in the arms and legs

  • Energy rushes or feelings of electricity circulating the body

  • Intense heat (sweating) or cold, especially as energy is experienced passing through the chakras

  • Spontaneous pranayama, asanas, mudras and bandhas

  • Visions or sounds at times associated with a particular chakra

  • Diminished or conversely extreme sexual desire sometimes leading to a state of constant or whole-body orgasm

  • Emotional upheavals or surfacing of unwanted and repressed feelings or thoughts with certain repressed emotions becoming dominant in the conscious mind for short or long periods of time.

  • Headache, migraine, or pressure inside the skull

  • Increased blood pressure and irregular heartbeat

  • Emotional numbness

  • Antisocial tendencies

  • Mood swings with periods of depression or mania

  • Pains in different areas of the body, especially back and neck

  • Sensitivity to light, sound, and touch

  • Trance-like and altered states of consciousness

  • Disrupted sleep pattern (periods of insomnia or oversleeping)

  • Loss of appetite or overeating

  • Bliss, feelings of infinite love and universal connectivity, transcendent awareness

Brahmacharya, “commonly understood as self-control, especially of the sexual impulse, brahmacharya is one of the five yamas (religious proscriptions) cited as the first step of Patanjali’s Eightfold Path of Yoga. Commenting on verse 14, Paramahansa Yogananda wrote:

“He or she who is steadfast in brahmacharya is defined as a celibate student who is faithful in living a holy life, engaging in sacred study and self-discipline. In the prescribed Vedic plan, this was basically the beginning of the spiritual life for all aspirants. ‘Brahmachari-brate’ has also a deeper meaning here: literally ‘one whose sphere of action of act of devotion (vrata) is practicing (chara Aum (brahma: the sacred sound, shabda-Brahman).’ The accomplished Brahmachari, then, is one who by the practice of meditating on Aum roams or progresses in the realm of Brahman manifested as the Creator or Holy Vibration: the Aum, Amen, or Holy Ghost.”

I do not fully agree with Yogananda however, it can be an abuse of meditation just like one can abuse other aspects of life, everything in moderation.

So I would like to delve into what the word is in a sexual manner and the word is an orgasm, the orgasm of the creator, god masturbated the world into existence so if god masturbated then I do not think that god would mind if we masturbated or had sex however it must have been one hell of a build up in order to accomplish creating all of the life in which was created.

One can use a number of stimuli to build up sexual energy in order to transmute one’s lead into gold. Just as all metals require a certain amount of heat in order to be transmuted into finer qualities it also takes a fair amount of heat in order to transmute one’s own inner alchemy and the passion of the sense organs can help to kindle that flame into a roaring fire into the ram, the head, the crown chakra.

“The Tantra texts and tantric practices involve a wide range of topics, mostly focused on spiritual topics, and not of sexual nature. However, states Gavin Flood, Tantrism is more known in the West as being notorious for its antinomian elements, stereotypically portrayed as a practice that is esoteric eroticism and ritualized sex in the name of religion, one imbued with alcohol and offering of meat to fierce deities. This portrayal is not limited to the Western imagination, however. Jayanta Bhatta, the 9th-century scholar of the Nyaya school of Hindu Philosophy and who commented on Tantra literature, stated that the Tantric ideas and spiritual practices are mostly well placed, but it also has “immoral teachings” such as by the so-called “Nilambara” sect where its practitioners “wear simply one blue garment, and then as a group engage in unconstrained public sex” on festivals. He wrote, this practice is unnecessary and it threatens fundamental values of society.

Sexuality has been a part of Tantric practices, sexual fluids have been viewed as “power substances” and used ritualistically. Some extreme texts, state's Flood, go further such as the Buddhist text Candamaharosana-tantra advocating consumption of bodily waste products as “power substances”, teaching the waste should be consumed as a diet “eaten by all the Buddhas” without slightest disgust. However, such esoteric practices are exceptional and extreme, they are not found in much of Buddhist and Hindu Tantric literature or practices. In the Kaula tradition and others where sexual fluids as power substances and ritual sex are mentioned, scholars disagree in their translations, interpretations and practical significance.

Douglas Renfrew Brooks, for example, states that the antinomian elements such as the use of intoxicating substances and sex were not animistic, but were adopted in some Kaula traditions to challenge the Tantric devotee to break down the “distinctions between the ultimate reality of Brahman and the mundane physical and mundane world”. By combining erotic and ascetic techniques, states Brooks, the Tantric broke down all social and internal assumptions, became Shiva-like. In Kashmir Shaivism, states David Gray, the antinomian transgressive ideas were internalized, for meditation and reflection, and as a means to “realize a transcendent subjectivity”.

“In most Hindu and Buddhist Tantra texts, extreme forms of sexual ritualism is absent. In Jain tantric text, this is entirely absent. Yet, emotions, eroticism and sex are universally regarded in Tantric literature as natural, desirable, a means of transformation of the deity within, to “reflect and recapitulate the bliss of Shiva and Shakti”. Kama and sex is another aspect of life and a “root of the universe”, in the Tantric view, whose purpose extends beyond procreation and is another means to spiritual journey and fulfillment. This idea flowers with the inclusion of kama art in Hindu temple arts, and its various temple architecture and design manuals such as the Shilpa-prakasha by the Hindu scholar Ramachandra Kulacara.”

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali there is a word called ojas. “By observing celibacy, we preserve not just physical energy alone but mental, moral, intellectual and, ultimately, spiritual energy as well. Sexual energy that is preserved gets transformed into a subtle energy called ojas. This is similar to personal magnetism. It tones the entire personality, builds the nerves, improves brain power and calms the mind. There is a similar word to ojas in English: ozone. In the early morning, before sunrise, we can go out and breath the ozonic wind, which has a special vibration and energy to it. But once the sun’s rays fall, this effect is lost. That’s why the period between four and six in the morning is called the Brahmanmuhurta, the Brahmic time, or divine period, and is a very sacred time to meditate.

And ojas, when stored, creates tejas. Tejas is the aura or the glow. A newspaper reporter once wrote an article about me called, “The Swami Makes the People Glow.” How can the Swami do this? Is it some peculiar yogic make-up? No. Everyone can glow and can transmit that energy when the preserve a lot of ojas. Even ordinary carbon left under the earth in an airtight chamber for a considerable time gets hardened, changes its color and becomes a diamond. If you preserved honey it gets crystallized. In the same way the semen gets transformed and diffused.

This is why continence is a very important part of Yoga. If a handful of people come forward with strong wills, nothing is impossible. One Buddha changed half the globe; one Jesus, three quarters of the world. We all have that capacity. Let us know the value of brahmacharya; that it certainly will make us strong, happy, healthy, wealthy and blissful.”

So the left hand path of sex magick would create a dominating electrical charge which will eventually deteriorate the nerves and destroy an individual's health. I do recommend from personal experience to take some time out of debased sexual practices to do some grounding and to recapture the essence of the sacred feminine within one's own temple.

Now I wish to speak further on not only preserving this sexual energy but also making it stronger by teasing oneself before the point of climax. You can think of it like wine or any other type of alcohol for that matter, the longer it sits the stronger it becomes and once you open the bottle it begins to lose its potency but built up it can make the cork pop.

I personally enjoy to rotate between three things in order to help me achieve this. I will masturbate using either my own mind or some other visual stimulation, then I will meditate then I will masturbate and then I will do some physical exercise as well before returning to masturbation and meditation again, I may even burn some herbs on my altar in the process in order to relax me so I do not become to dominating and electrical. Sometimes I will even envision sexually stimulating images during meditation to strengthen my prana.

Returning to the big bang (pun intended) I wish to go now a bit into the mushroom in regards to sex worship.

“This Amanita’s first growth stage is similar to an egg shape, giving the mushroom its bulbous base. It also appears that this mushroom has been born from a tiny pot. One of the sons of Shiva was born of a pot that Shiva ejaculated into. There is quite a lot of sex worship and fertility rites involved with mushroom history. This is in part because mushrooms themselves are the phallic organs of the mycelial organism.

The mushrooms are the reproductive part of the actual “body” of the organism. The mushrooms spring up to reproduce by releasing their spores. The actual body of the organism is a fine network of mycelia, a growth of hair-like fibers throughout the soil. These networks of mycelia (when describing many mushrooms containing psilocybin) can be many acres in size and may have many more connections than exist in a human brain.

In many instances, anointing the body with oil is associated with fertility rites and tantra. Entheogen-infused oil is poured onto the male phallic prior to sex, where blissful, psychedelic, sexual experiences are shared by the couples (or groups). Sexually oppressed religionists squirm when confronted with facts like this. The application of plants to the body is natural and only misguided prejudices makes it seem repulsive.”

What we have here is two alchemical reactions occurring, firstly there is the entheogen infused oil and then there is sex so I will have to question, what caused the prime source to trip and ejaculate the world into existence? I will not delve into the problem of what created the creator nor the paradox of for non-existence to exist there must be existence however what attracted god to spill its load to create the cosmos? There is the demiurge which is the sun which is said to have created this planet (oops) and then there is something larger (perhaps the sun Sirius) but also not the prime source and so really this planet could be nothing more than a bastard floating through space forgotten about by the copulating couple that comes together every 24,000 years or so. So in a sense this is a build up, a tease of the creators building up to an extraordinary climax, as above, so below, as within as without.

So imagine if you will not just a sex drive based on normal desires but a hyphenated sex drive intentionally simulated and controlled through discipline. It will be rather intense but I must say that it is another form of discipline and should not be treaded upon lightly such as in the instance of creating a moon child.

“Sex Magick-The Birth of a Lunar Intelligence WARNING: Caution should be exercised with this rite. The creation of a moon child on the astral plane is sometimes more dangerous than giving flesh in the womb. The reason it is dangerous is that it is yet another ‘step up’ from any normal Elemental, in simple terms it is the closest to human intelligence that one could create, it stands on the threshold of having its own will. The other point to understand is that such servitors, due to their lack of will, act only unto your commands. If one falls prey to starting to communicate with them when unnecessary then obsession can occur. The Elemental will gain immortality through your soul itself, it will become attached and there is little hope beyond that.

The same is the case with any of the vampiric rights included in this Grimoire, if not undertaken properly there is literally ‘hell to pay’.

The Sorcerer who takes on the act of sex to invigorate what Aleister Crowley called a Moonchild is stepping beyond the boundaries of control and opening the gates of something else. I have stressed extreme discipline in dealing with such spirits and would say only the most advanced should undertake such a working as this. The contents of this working is based upon an Astral Moon Spirit, not a baby conceived in the flesh (which is by all means possible). The automata formed through your sex and the spirit formed in your astral semen will give life to this sorcery. Rituals such as this have long been hidden from the public and from most occultists. This is due to the fact that such workers invoke bestial and demonic incarnations, like flesh taking atavisms which would drive one to the brink of madness and death. The primal stygian daemons who stand waiting at the threshold are going to run through the gate finally and I can only hope that the couple who undertake this rite are willing to reap the consequences of such an undertaking. This is Black Magick in every sense of the word, it creates or evokes an offspring of your sorcery.”

Everything is dualistic however, even the reproductive systems of males and females. You have nerves running from your testicles just like you have nerves in the ovaries that are both positively and negatively charged, you also have a center however where the two meet in order to bring life into the world and so you can think perhaps as the two suns (our own sun and perhaps the star Sirius) as a giant set of testicles building up sexual energy in order to copulate finally to bring life through the sign wave which is similar to a vagina however I would imagine that the universes reproductive system is much more heavily complex than the human beings.

Everything is a pump however, a wine press if you will (pun intended) and just as such so is the built up sexual energy in the sacrum which when built up can turn into a supercharged explosion of sexual energy as opposed to ejaculating. It takes a great amount of willpower in order to prevent yourself from orgasming every time one has an urge especially while teasing oneself.

“At the same time, it must be pointed out that the whole topic of sexual magic has been hedged about with a tremendous amount of hypocrisy, emanating both from practicing sex magicians and those merely observing their activities. For instance, many a curiosity-seeker has casually poked around the most superficial level of erotic magic, hoping to learn a few sex tips to spice up a lackluster love life. For the most part, this misguided playing at sex magic is merely a waste of time, generating little in the way of physical excitement, and absolutely nothing in the way of magic. But some self-righteous sex magicians have taken the school-marmish position that this fairly common phenomenon is “immoral” or “spiritually harmful”, or even that sex magic must be performed without a scintilla of lust or emotion to be legitimate. Conversely, the non-magician may snicker at the whole idea of erotic magic, dismissing it as some sort of dirty joke, refusing to accept that sex magicians are doing anything more profound than satiating their ordinary carnal appetites under the guise of esoteric doctrine. Behind these sanctimonious attitudes lays the horrific banality to which Eros has been reduced in the modern Western world. In this spirit, some of our readers might imagine that a guide to left hand path sex magic will provide the furtive cheap thrills of thinly veiled pornography. Literally speaking, that much maligned word pornography, from the Greek porno (whore) and graphia (writing) simply means “to write about whores”. So for those of you who were fervently hoping that this book would be pornographic, there is indeed enough writing about whores in these pages to technically qualify. Of course, the whores we will be concerned with are the conveyors of that long-lost ars amatoria of sacred prostitution. If prostitution once served a noble and even sacred function, then why not a sacred pornography? Such a form would be something far more subversive and powerful than the formulaic repetition of conventions we usually associate with the genre. The British author Angela Carter, whose cruel tales were usually tinged with an unsettling and surreal sexuality, once suggested the possibilities: “The moral pornographer would be an artist who uses pornographic material as a part of the acceptance of the logic of a world of absolute sexual license for all the genders, and projects a model of the way such a world might work. His business would be the total demystification of the flesh and the subsequent revelation, through the infinite modulations of the sexual act… the pornographer has it in his power to become a terrorist of the imagination, a sexual guerilla whose purpose is to overturn our most basic notions of these relations, to reinstate sexuality as a primary mode of being rather than a specialized area of vacation from being and to show that the everyday meetings in the marriage bed are parodies of their own pretensions.”

He or she strives to reach a state of mind in which all forms of orthodoxy must be questioned and rejected. Even at this early stage, the perceptive reader will have realized that when we speak of left-hand sex magic, we are not concerned solely with the workings of the genitalia for some sorcerous purpose. Yes, its central tool of illumination is awakened sexuality. But the left-hand path tradition actually provides an approach to every aspect of existence, a philosophy – or “love of Sophia” – that set into action can transform the entirety of the human psychobiological structure, not just his or her penis or vagina.”

I do suggest however a certain degree of self-control when first starting along the path of bhakti and raja yoga so as to regain one’s own spiritual prana that may have been lost through the pains of life however once again this all applies to the individual.

I am not dismissing the orgasm in relation to sex magick by any means however I am simply trying to state the potency of attempting potent sex magick by building up this fluid.

Sources Cited

“The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” Translation and Commentary by Sri Swami Satchidanda

“Demons of the Flesh” Nicolas Schreck


“Book of the Witch Moon” Michael W. Ford

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