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Weather Magic, Witch Hunts and Alchemical Symbols in Science and Magic (Part 1 of 2)

Writer's picture: Zero-asster Mad MagiciaZero-asster Mad Magicia

“Under the whole heaven He lets it loose, And his lightning to the ends of the earth.” Job 37:3

In this article I will be delving into what I personally consider to be a rather complex subject, one in which is never scientifically explained. Weather magic has been written about, this is for certain alongside certain plants to use in order to get said results however I feel that it is akin to a mindless onslaught of hallegua crescendos church goers give every Sunday morning. Please bare with me throughout this article in its structure, I wish to break things down in a manner that is easy to follow however as I have mentioned already the complexity of the subject at hand will make that rather difficult.

I will show however how our emotions (energy in motion), meditation, enlightenment along side of suppression of this energy can lead to an outburst that can lead to rather dramatic events in one's very own environment. All I can say however is go there for yourself for the naysayers, it is said that belief in one's magickal workings is essential and though perhaps this may be true on some level I believe that there is most certainly a scientific explanation for such phenomenon.

First off let us examine what causes lightning, just a quick excerpt I got online. "Lightning is an electric current. Within a thundercloud way up in the sky, many small bits of ice (frozen raindrops) bump into each other as they move around in the air. All of those collisions create an electric charge. After a while, the whole cloud fills up with electrical charges. The positive charges or protons form at the top of the cloud and the negative charges or electrons form at the bottom of the cloud. Since opposites attract, that causes a positive charge to build up on the ground beneath the cloud. The grounds electrical charge concentrates around anything that sticks up, such as mountains, people, or single trees. The charge coming up from these points eventually connects with a charge reaching down from the clouds and-zap-lightning strikes!"

It is evident then that one of the elements required in order for lightning to occur is friction so therefore it would make sense that inner friction would be required in order for lightning to occur.

As we all know there are protons, particles with a positive charge and there are particles with a negative charge, electrons and as we know static electricity is a form of electricity that is created when an object has too many electrons, giving it a negative charge. Leaders are a channel of charged air created by excess electrons in a thunderstorm cloud. A leader reaches from the cloud to the ground below, looking for a positive charge, a return stroke is an electrical charge that travels from the ground to a thundercloud. This return stroke releases tremendous energy, bright light and thunder. Streamers are a channel of charged air created by protons on the ground. They are created when leaders are created and reach from the ground to the sky looking for a leader to connect with. So as one can see everything has a gender.

As we all know our bodies are composed of both positive and negative charges however if one wishes to give a really big storm as opposed to minute raindrops or nothing at all there must be something built up in all of this, one cannot just cause a massive amount of rain to occur without there being a large amount of energy built up first however lightning is something that is angry as well as storms however there is always a calm before a storm, I will now attempt as best as I can how this energy is built up within the human body.

Once one has awoken the Christ within by way of bhakti and raja yoga (which is an essential element for any real practitioner.) Energy occurs in many forms, including chemical energy, elastic energy, nuclear energy, and rest energy according to Wikipedia under the section of kinetic energy. Kinetic energy may be best understood by examples that demonstrate how it is transformed to and from other forms of energy. For example, a cyclist uses chemical energy provided by food to accelerate a bicycle to a chosen speed. On a level surface, this speed can be maintained without further work, except to overcome air resistance and friction. The chemical energy has been converted into kinetic energy, the energy of motion, but the process is not completely efficient and produces heat within the cyclist.

So I would sort of imagine that one's chakras are sort of like this, a bicyclist, the food is prana used to accelerate the storm. I wish for the reader to think of all of these forms of energy as I go into the "Yoga Sutras of Patanjali."

So our emotions (energy in motion) created by other people's actions towards us will produce cittam or impressions in our brains which may be negatively charged in the usual person however the yogi who has mastered meditation can transmute this energy into positive energy until they decide to do otherwise, say when someone is negative towards you and then zap, they will get hit with a storm. The storm however will not just be any minor storm, it will be an onslaught of the negative emotions they have sent towards you. The longer you withstand the barrage of attacks however the stronger the storm will be once you go from completely magnetic to negative in only a few seconds, the calm before the storm.

As I have said this is sort of a rather difficult thing to explain, especially to those who have not awoken the Christ within, it will be sort of like someone who is a professional in anything else say a doctor trying to explain a surgery to a mechanic or vise versa, the one will be perplexed and as such unconscious animals will be perplexed by what I am saying, scratching their stupid heads in dumb awe of true spirituality. However let this article not turn into an assault on most of you unconscious little idiots involved in the occult even, truth is I can't stand most of you anyways and I'm likely wasting my time even writing this work, I'm not here to make friends however. I will try to use the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali to show you what I mean by this.

Tat param Pursua khyater gunavaitrsnyam, tat=that; aram =supreme; pursua=true self; khyateh (khyater)=due to the realization; guna=of any of the constituents of nature; vairrsynyam=non-thirst.

Let me break the above down for you however, when there is non-thirst for even the gunas (constituents of Nature) due to the realization of the Purusa (True Self) (I.e. true enlightenment), that is supreme non-attachment (though I must say that even higher than this is not even wanting the bliss of God, that is supreme non-attachment). In regards to weather magic this means that one should not be attached to the results of the magic one intends to do as well, see it in your mind's eye and forget about it but feel it in your heart. More than this though is not even intending to do weather magic in the first place, I think some people are just naturally gifted at certain types of magic.

Now I will get into herbal magic and the science behind this but much more than this I have a theory on certain sigils that could perhaps be linked with herbal magic and this theory is that these sigils are actually comparable to modern science in regards to chemical compound make ups. I think certain sigils are just that, ancient symbols for chemistry or alchemy. The herbs include the following, bracken, cotton, fern, heather, pansy, rice and toadstool in order to induce rainfall.

Here we have alchemy symbols.

Perhaps you are wondering how the ancients did this without modern technology (or perhaps they had different technology, something I do not wish to delve into at this moment) however as will be seen later one can get to the core of anything via meditation. More on plants now however. Remember however in the sutras that one can delve into the very core of anything via meditation.

Bracken is a masculine herb associated with the planet Mercury also the element of air, the powers of this plant include healing, rain magic and prophetic dreams however I do not personally buy into just simply burning it or placing it beneath a pillow in order to gain results, I think one must tune into the vibrations of the plant in order for it to act as a catalyst or a medium of sorts along with other plants.

Uncooked bracken contains the enzyme thiaminase, which breaks down thiamine.

All one has to do is start to break down the chemistry symbols of these plants individually and see they are very similar to sigils. Bracken can be fairly easily broken down however as you can see from the diagram above, there is nitrogen then you have Amidogen which is a radical compound of nitrogen and hydrogen with the formula NH2. A member of the amino group, it may be regarded as an ammonia molecule which has had one of its hydrogen atoms removed. NH2 as a functional group is common in nature, as it forms part of many compounds, e.g. the phenethylamines. The free radical is present in solutions of ammonia because, like water, ammonia undergoes molecular autoisation to form its acid and base conjugates. This is then linked to another nitrogen, sulfur... now I am not a chemist by any means so I am going to take a stab at OH and take it to mean Oxygen and Hydrogen. The point is it is interesting to see how elements can be added in order to create something so if sigils are similar to spiritual vibrations scribed onto metals or other objects in order to gain certain results then I would say it makes sense that the vibrations of certain molecules are similar and once you add heat to the mixture you begin to activate those spiritual vibrations especially attuned with said spirit especially if it is one of your own making. Spiritual vibrations are so exact one cannot begin to imagine the complexity of them, imagine a radio where you could tune into almost an infinite amount of stations, each minute turn of the knob or push of the button giving you different results.

Cotton (Gossypium barbadense) has the powers of luck, healing, protection and fishing magic. Some magical uses of this include placing a piece of cotton in a sugar bowl in order for good luck to follow along with throwing it over one's right shoulder at dawn. In the latter it is said that good luck will come before the day is over. Cotton is associated with the earth element.

Cotton plant is a flowering shrub subject to steamy and sub-steamy areas including the places-India, America and Africa. The maximum variety of natural cotton group is originated in Mexico; tag along Australia and Africa. Cotton fiber was separately cultivated in the ancient and modern worlds.

The English Cotton name derives from the Arabic language, which began to be used approximately around 1400 AD. Cotton fiber is frequently twisted into a yarn or thread and used to build a soft, natural, flexible and breathable fabric material then it is used for the main purpose of making garments.

Now here is where things will get a bit more interesting, the chemical composition of cotton is cellulose 91.00%, water 7.85%, protoplasm, pectins 0.55%, waxes, fatty substances 0.40%, mineral salts 0.20%.

Cotton it is said can also be placed in an aching tooth to stop the pain while planting or scattering cotton will keep ghosts away while cotton soaked in vinegar and placed on the windowsill will keep evil at bay. Once again I must reiterate that it is my personal belief that this is mere nonsense, one's own inside vibrations much match the intention of the external intentions of the magical item in order for it to have any real effect but also one should concentrate on said chakra associated with the planet(s) of the herb while working the magic. It is also said that cotton is the best kind of cloth to use for making sachets, or for any time cloth is needed in magic. It is said if you go fishing on a windy day one can take twenty cotton seeds with them, place them at the edge of the water and you shall have at least one bite while it is said that burning cotton causes rain.

Cellulose is an organic compound with the formula (C



n, a polysaccharide consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of β(1→4) linked D-glucose units.[3][4] Cellulose is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae and the oomycetes. Some species of bacteria secrete it to form biofilms.[5] Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth.[6] The cellulose content of cotton fiber is 90%, that of wood is 40–50% and that of dried hemp is approximately 57%.[7][8][9]

Cellulose is mainly used to produce paperboard and paper. Smaller quantities are converted into a wide variety of derivative products such as cellophane and rayon. Conversion of cellulose from energy crops into biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol is under investigation as an alternative fuel source. Cellulose for industrial use is mainly obtained from wood pulp and cotton.[6]

Some animals, particularly ruminants and termites, can digest cellulose with the help of symbiotic micro-organisms that live in their guts, such as Trichonympha. In human nutrition, cellulose acts as a hydrophilic bulking agent for feces and is often referred to as "dietary fiber".

So I find it interesting something that has the ability to make products that both absorb and keep moisture in would be used for weather magic.

Fern is a masculine plant associated with the planet Mercury and the element of air, the deities include Laka and puck. The powers of this plant include rain-making, protection, luck, riches, eternal youth, health and exorcism.

The magical uses of fern are said to be used in vases for protection while also commonly planted at the doorstep and also inside the home it is also protective however I do suggest that one lock their doors at night and not to rely solely upon fern as a sort of half cocked security alarm system.

It is said that dried fern is thrown upon hot coals in order to exorcise evil spirits while burned out of doors fern can cause rain to fall.

Heather (Calluna spp; erica spp. Vulgaris) whose folk names include common heather, heath, ling, scottish heather and it is a feminine plant associated with the planet Venus and the element water and the deity Isis. Powers of this plant include protections, rain-making and luck, the magical uses are also thought to guard against rape and other violent crimes (however if one is scared of being raped or mugged I suggest using some fucking mace or a gun or know some type of self defense) or just to bring good luck. White heather is the best for this purpose.

The shoots of Calluna vulgaris contain the phenolic compounds chlorogenic acid, its 3-O glucoside, 3-O galactoside and 3-O arabinoside.

It is said that when heather is burned with fern outside it attracts rain and is also thought to conjure ghost.

Pansy (viola tricolor) has the folk names Banewort, banwort (Anglo-Saxon), Bird's Eye, bonewort (Ango-Saxon), bouncing bet, garden violet, heart's ease, horse vilent, johnny jumper, johnny jump-ups, kiss-me-at-the-garden-gate, little stepmother, love idol, love-in-idleness, love-lies bleeding, loving ido, meet-me-in-the-entry, pensee (French), stepmother, tickle-my-fancy. It is a feminine plant associated with the planet Saturn along with the element of water. Its powers include love, rain magic and love divination.

Rice (oryza saliva) G has the folk names bras, dhan, nirvara and paddy, it is a masculine plant and its "planet" is the sun however holds the element of air. Its powers include protection, rain, many and fertility. Its magical uses are said that when placed on the roof, rice guards against all misfortunes. Brahmins carried rice as an amulet against evil, and a small jar of rice placed near the entrance of the house also guards it. Throwing rice into the air can cause rain. Rice is also added to money spells, and is thrown after wedding couples to increase their fertility.

Toadstool has the powers of rain making, accidentally breaking down toadstools will cause rain to fall, but I don't know if showers occur when this is deliberately done.

Without having to write an entire book on the subject the point I am trying to make is that rice is not just rice, pansy is not just pansy, etc etc but what I am attempting to show you is why these substances are able to react to stimuli from the Christ within you by being attuned to specific vibrations along with concentrating on the proper chakra in order to synchronize with said plant vibrations. Weather magic as I have mentioned is something rather complex that involves raising also to the most high but when herbs are involved one must attempt to match the frequency of the plant. Now I will delve even further into "The Yoga Sutras of Pantanjali" to show you why it is absolutely essential to have awoken the Christ within in order to perform magic.

Vitarka vicaranandasmitanugamat samprajnatah is vitarka=reasoning; vicara=reflecting; ananda=jejoicing; asmita=pure I-am-ness; anugamat=due to the following, from accompaniment; samprajnatah=distinguishing, discerning; [samadhi=contemplation].

"Samprajnata samadhi is accompanied by reasoning, reflecting, rejoicing and pure I-am-ness.

In the first section of this portion, Patanjali gives the theory of Yoga. Now he speaks of the final practice called samadhi, or contemplation, and its variations. Patanjali is completely scientific in this respect. He sees Yoga as a rigorous science and never hesitates to give all the aspects of the practice and their ramifications. It is the duty of scientists to understand and explain every aspect of their discoveries. It is just as when chemists formulate medicine. They have to explain its proper usage as well as any adverse reactions that could occur if not used properly."

"In case you might think you are ready to practice samadhi right away you should know that the practice of samadhi only becomes possible after a person has achieved perfection in concentration and meditation. The mind must have acquired one-pointedness and have been brought completely under control, because the entire mind must be used in the practice of samadhi."

I will try to explain how it feels for me being in one pointedness. I am able to hit the mark each time without any other thoughts arising, like a pinging of sorts of roaring energy into the divine! Love love love love love love OM OM OM OM OM OM until I just AM. Once this is achieved then one may have other thoughts in one's mind while being in samadhi, this is another way in which magic is manifested into your reality I feel. I may also transmute any other type of emotion in order to vibrate my chakras in order to attune to a desire frequency, remember the story of Kashi being reborn?

"In this and the following sutra Patanjali talks about two kinds of samadhi: samprajnata (distinguished) and asamprajnata (undistinguished). Patanjali further divides the samprajnata samadhi into four forms. To understand them we have to understand the makeup of what he calls nature, or Prakrti. According to Patanjali, Prakrti also has four divisions: the very gross material; the subtle elements called the tanmatras, which ultimately express as the concrete forms which you see; the mind-stuff (cittam), and the ego or individuality."

So the four forms of samadhi can be related to also the four elements found in each one of the herbs, earth element which would be linked to the very gross material, water which would be linked to tanmatras, citta would be linked to air and the ego would or individuality would be linked to fire.

"So, samadhi is practiced first on the gross objects (savitarka samadhi), then on the subtle elements (savicara samadhi), then on the mind devoid of any objects except its own joy-in other words, on the sattvic mind sa-ananda samadhi-and finally on the "I" feeling alone (sa-asmita samadhi). There is a gradation because you can't immediately contemplate the very subtle. First you have to train the mind to focus on something concrete. When the mind is focused on a concrete object, that is called savitarka samadhi. Remember that at this point the mind is already well under control. The moment the purely focused mind contemplates an object, it goes to the very depth of that object and understands every particle of it. A focused mind gains power, and when that powerful mind concentrates on an object, the entire knowledge of that object is revealed to it."

This is not something that could be known by just mere words however (as is obvious from above) it will be spiritual intuition which will ultimately guide any student with plant magic, I would even go so far as to say that some plants may be used in a different manner according to each individual's birth chart since we each plummeted out of the sky with our own spiritual vibrations in accordance to specific galactic alignment and past lives and deaths and individuals.

"Knowing this, we can easily see that the scientists who probed the matter and discovered atomic energy were practicing savitarka samadhi. They were practical and wanted to know; they focused their entire minds on that, and even that small particle of matter revealed itself. In getting the knowledge, we gained power over the atom. That is what is meant by savitarka samadhi.

So, the benefit of this contemplation is the understanding of the inner secrets and powers of your object of contemplation. But what will you do with this power? The danger can easily be realized by seeing how atomic energy has been used for destructive bombs instead of soothing balms. There is a danger in getting all the extraordinary powers. If this samadhi is practiced without the proper moral background, the result will be dangerous. But, as a scientists, Patanjali must explain it anyway."

I can attest to this statement, it is very true if one is enlightened while still being immoral it can be fairly dangerous, one will be walking a fine line on the brink of madness, such phantoms will enter into your mind, a full moon means no sleep for poor little you and you might feel something like you may just be losing your fucking mind which is likely why they burned so many witches in the day, because of lunacy, which obviously stems from the word lunar.

Above is Hypatia was a philosopher in Alexandria. Her knowledge of astronomy and mathematics led to suspicion of sorcery and she was flayed alive by a mob of monks. She is considered by scholars such as Soldan and Heppe to have been the first famous woman to be persecuted for witchcraft by the Christians. Below is a list of some more witches executed.

d. 1636


Executed after claiming to be a prophet.[7]

ca. 1520–1591


Burned to death for sorcery

ca. 1230–1275


Found guilty of sexual relations with the devil and burned to death.[8]

d. 1651

Colonial American colonist

d. 1594


Executed in Kirkwall

ca. 1410–1435


Convicted of witchcraft and thrown in the Danube to drown, following accusations by her father-in-law Ernest, Duke of Bavaria.



Convicted as part of the Fulda witch trials and burned to death.

d. 1550


The first woman executed for witchcraft in Sweden; beheaded.

ca. 1632–1692

English (emigrated to British America)

The first person to be tried and executed during the Salem witch trials.[10]

d. 1789


A widow and beggar accused of selling potions and spells intended to kill people to her neighbours. Accused of sorcery and hanged.[11]


Confessed to murder and witchcraft under torture; beheaded, corpse burned.

ca. 1650–1692

Colonial American colonist

Congregational pastor, executed as part of the Salem witch trials.[12]

d. 19 Aug 1692

Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials; her children had claimed she was a witch.



Burned to death.

d. 1652


Confessed under torture to summoning demons and was the last person executed for sorcery in Geneva.[13]

d. 1605


Confessed to being a witch; was strangled and burned to death.

ca. 1565–1645


The first woman persecuted by the Witchfinder General, Matthew Hopkins; hanged.

ca. 1870-1895

County Tipperary, Ireland

Unclear; body immolated, possible posthumously.[14]

ca. 1611–1692

English (emigrated to British America)

Crushed to death for refusing to plea during the Salem witch trials.


English (emigrated to British America)

Hanged during the Salem witch trials



One of the last people to be executed for witchcraft in Germany.

d. 1595


Roman Catholic monk; beheaded

ca. 1640–1680


AKA La Voisin; burned to death following the Affair of the Poisons

d. 1578


Nobleman and explorer accused by Sir Francis Drake of witchcraft, mutiny and treason; beheaded


English (emigrated to British America)

Hanged during the Salem witch trials



The last person executed for sorcery in Sweden.

d. 1428


Confessed to having flown on the back of a demon; burned to death.

d. 1651


Executed in Bermuda.

d. 1573


Serial child murderer; convicted of witchcraft and lycanthropy, and burned to death.

d. 1537


Accused of witchcraft by King James V; burned to death.

d. 1688

Irish-born emigrant to Colonial America

Last person hanged for witchcraft in Boston.

d. 1679


Burned to death; one of the last women to be executed for witchcraft in France.

d. 1782


Beheaded; known as "the last witch in Switzerland".[citation needed]


Colonial American colonist

One of the first to be convicted in the Salem witch trials.



Convicted following the Loudun possessions and burned to death.

d. 1663

Colonial American colonist

d. 1742


Priest who confessed to having made a pact with the devil

d. 1605


Confessed under torture and was burned to death.

d. 1587


Midwife who confessed to child murder, witchcraft and vampirism; burned to death.



Postmistress; burned to death.



Burned to death.


Colonial American colonist

The fourth person executed for witchcraft in Massachusetts Bay Colony; hanged on Boston Common

d. 1727


Last British person to be executed for sorcery; burned to death.[citation needed]

d. 1611


Beheaded after her second trial for witchcraft.


English (emigrated to English America)

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.



Stripped and torn to pieces by a Christian mob.[6]


Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.

Mary Johnson


Colonial American colonist


Colonial American colonist

The first person to be executed for witchcraft in Massachusetts Bay Colony; hanged.

Katherine Jonesdochter

d. 1616


Strangled; burned to death at Scalloway






Tortured, burned to death during the Bamberg witch trials

ca. 1525–1582


Confessed to witchcraft and hanged.

Mrs. Kendall[9]


Colonial American colonist

d. 1653

Colonial American colonist

d. 1590


Burned to death.

ca. d. 1407

Colonial Norwegian (Greenlandic Norse)

Burned to death.



Noblewoman who confessed to cursing the marital bed of a rival; beheaded.

Alice Lake[9]

1620 - ca. 1650

Colonial American colonist

Wife of Henry Lake; hanged in Massachusetts.


Native American

Native American leader who was sentenced to death for witchcraft and executed with a tomahawk.[16]

d. 1590


One of 32 women convicted of witchcraft in a witch hunt in Nördlingen, burnt at the stake.[17]

d. 1679


Burned to death.



Burnt at the stake as part of the Islandmagee witch trial.[18]


English (emigrated to British America)

Executed during the Salem witch trials.



Burned to death.

ca. 1300–1324


Burned to death.


English (emigrated to British America)

Hanged during the Salem witch trials

ca. 1610–1670


Cunning woman accused of making people sick to earn money; burned to death.



Murdered by an unruly mob during a "trial by ducking".

d. 1697


Also known as the Bargarran witches, the last mass execution for witchcraft in western Europe.[19]



The last person officially executed for witchcraft in Denmark; beheaded.

d. 1600


Tortured and burned to death.

d. 1692

Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.

d. 1692

Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.



Last person executed for witchcraft in Austria; beheaded.

d. 1590


Burned to death.

d. 1612




Only person to be executed for witchcraft in Vienna; burned to death.

d. 1571


Burned to death.

ca. 1632–1692

Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.

d. 1692

Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.



Cunning woman, burned to death.


Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.

d. 1616


Executed in Kirkwall



Strangled and burned to death.

Isabella Rigby

d. 1666


Believed to be the last person hanged for witchcraft in Lancashire.

d. 1625


Burned to death.



One of the last to be executed for witchcraft in Germany.

d. 1591


Midwife, garrotted and burned to death during the North Berwick witch trials.

d. 1577


Burned to death.

d. 1543


Burned to death.

ca. 1600–1641


Burned to death.

d. ca. 1400


Confessed under torture to summoning demons; burned to death.

ca. 1503–1566


The first woman executed for witchcraft in England; hanged.



Strangled and burned to death.


English (emigrated to British America)

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.

ca. 1672–1692

Colonial American colonist

Hanged during the Salem witch trials.

d. 1618


A mother and two daughters, the daughters were hanged.

d. 1593


Alice Samuel and her family; hanged.

ca. 1600–1647

Colonial American colonist

The first person recorded to have been executed for witchcraft in the American colonies; hanged.



Burned to death.

d. 1676


Beheaded for abducting children.



Accused and convicted of witchcraft, blasphemy, disgracing priests and healing. Most likely he was first executed, then left for ravens to eat. Tokoi's father is known to have been a witch, too.

d. 1676


Beheaded for sorcery.

d. 1692

French Brazilian

Prostitute, was accused by popular belief to bewitch men; burned to death.

d. 1798


Accused and convicted of witchcraft to produce medicines and potions to attract men.

d. 1754


Accused of removing her husband's virility to avoid having children; burned to death.

d. 646


Accused of witchcraft and treason; executed.

d. 1606, 8 October

Rheinfelden, Swiss

Burned as a witch. Her husband paid 320 Gulden as "confiscation" to the Gentlemen' Chamber in Rheinfelden.[20]

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